Protection Detail Packages

  • Titan Zeuz/PX10 – Certified Only
    (5 year) From £1197
  • Feynlab Heal Lite – Certified Only
    (5 Year Warranty) From £1499
  • Apex Nano 3 year Ceramic
    (3 year protection) From £997
  • Wheels off detail & caliper coating
    from £199
  • Extra Ceramic Coatings
    • Wheel Faces £100
    • Glass Coatings from £100
    • Trim Coatings from £100
    • Leather Coatings £100

Bookings currently require a percentage based deposit to secure a chosen date

Why not protect your investment & book your new car in for a protection detail?

Do you want to keep your pride and joy looking factory fresh & keeping the highest value possible, whilst being protected from the harsh elements?

Ultra Gloss’ new car protection detail is exactly what you need in Peterborough and surrounding areas to keep your vehicle in tip-tip condition. Choose from our 12 month entry level Ceramic Coating right up to our 5 year certified only self healing Ceramic Coatings! We offer a total exterior surface protection package for your vehicle, paint, glass, wheels, trim etc. Interior protection is also available upon request.

*Please Note Prices Are Depending On Size Of Vehicle And Condition!*

The New Car Protection Package Includes

  1. Citrus + Snow Foam to remove surface dirt and grime
  2. Wheels and arches deep cleaned & decontaminated
  3. Safe 2 bucket wash with grit guards!
  4. Chemical decontamination & Clay bar used to remove bonded contaminants
  5. Single Stage Machine Polish
  6. Choice of Titan or Feynlab Certified Ceramic Coatings – Self Healing available!
  7. Wheels Ceramic Coated (Option to remove wheels & coat barrels + Calipers)
  8. Exterior glass Ceramic Coated
  9. Exterior trim & tail pipes Ceramic Coated

Our new car protection detail is only available at our state of the art, purpose built Detailing Studio based in Langtoft, Peterborough.

Price: From £699 – 12 month entry level Ceramic Coating

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